Low Carbon or Carbon negative materials are used for skins and block core insulation.
Grout filled core matrix uses 50% recycled steel micro rebar. Cement use is reduced by up to 80% compared with masonry, brick or concrete alternatives.
MgO board skins, Geopolymer foams and Isolator core materials all use recycled raw materials during manufacture. Blocks can be returned to the factory for rehabilitation or recycling.
TECTA Systems use materials that will not spread fire.
Our block materials will not melt or support secondary combustion.
Skins are MgO, insulation is HPS or Geopolymer foam. Isolator core is fire rated and non combustible.
Your building will be safe and quiet.

Our system minimises waste and landfill. TECTA Frame components can be dis-assembled and reused. TECTA Form components are designed to have a service life of 100 years.
Factory made blocks make use of industrial standard size sheet materials so nothing is wasted and no cutting needs to be done on site.
Both TECTA systems were conceived to be simple, fast to assemble and ideal for DIY or self-help builders. Blocks are 2.4m x 0.6m x 150mm thick but light enough for 2 persons to lift into place in the wall. No need for cranes.
Metal fixings are eliminated and minimal on-site training is needed. Walls take days, not weeks or months to build.
Insulation is HPS or Geopolymer foam. Isolator core is fire rated and non combustible.
This fire test shows our best thermal insulator HPS.
This unique foam will not melt when subject to a direct gas burner flame. It chars like wood and very slowly combusts with almost no visible smoke. It will not support the spread of flame.